Room for Reflection

In anticipation of theatrical expression that goes beyond the obvious

I’m looking forward to watching theatre plays. I’m looking forward to plays that will cause confusion and leave room for interpretation –; ones where not everything is immediately clear, and the meaning of each scene is not served up on a silver tray. Florentina Holzinger’s „Ophelia’s Got Talent“ or Theater Basel’s interpretation of „Ein Sommernachtstraum“ could, according to the descriptions, possibly offer this. I very much hope to get in touch with the individual ensembles, and hear their opinions on the other plays, and in which plays they would have liked to be involved in themselves. This year, the festival is particularly focused on the cultural and political developments in Eastern Europe. Fortunately, the focus is also directed beyond Ukraine and Belarus to some of the Balkan states, and a Germany’s bordering country of Germany – Poland. However, other perspectives are unfortunately missing: In the ‘Women at War’ programme segment, for example, Iranian fighters could certainly be included in the discourse. Unfortunately, all the events take place at different locations, which is why it will probably be difficult to fully engage with the festival as a space of exchange. From a personal point of view, I am particularly looking forward to the performance Linie 8 und Pudding für alle! Лінія 8 і пудинг для кожного!“ by the Junges DT.  The youth theatre scene often offers somewhat different, newer, and perhaps even fresher or more critical perspectives on known issues. I am also very excited about the performances, and would like to take part in the meeting with the International Forum, in order to get to know international artists and to educate myself on an intercultural level. In general, I expect an enriching and inspiring time. I want to learn with the other scholarship- holders, and successfully contribute to the Theatertreffen Blog, which I hope and anticipate will attract a lot of attention and feedback with great anticipation.


Anastasia M. E. Gornizki

Anastasia M. E. Gornizki ist 21 Jahre alt und wuchs als Kind russisch-ukrainisch-jüdischer Kontingentgeflüchteter in der Spreewaldmetropole Cottbus auf. Sie studiert Englische Philologie, sowie Publizistik- und Kommunikationswissenschaft an der Freien Universität Berlin. Sie versucht so viel wie möglich von Projekten, vor allem kreativer Art, mitzunehmen, um ihren Horizont ständig zu erweitern. Sie schreibt gerne journalistische Texte oder Gedichte und bewegt sich vor allem in der Welt des Films und Theaters. Produktionen, die gesellschaftspolitische oder soziale Themen in unterschiedlichen künstlerischen Formen verhandeln, liegen ihr besonders am Herzen. Außerdem fotografiert sie gerne - egal ob mit dem Handy, der Digitalkamera oder analog.
Anastasia M. E. Gornizki is 21 years old and grew up as a child of Russian-Ukrainian-Jewish refugees in the Spreewald metropolis of Cottbus. She is studying English Philology and Journalism and Communication Studies at the Free University of Berlin. She tries to take as much as possible from projects, especially of a creative nature, in order to constantly broaden her horizons. She enjoys writing journalistic texts or poetry and is particularly active in the world of film and theatre. She is especially interested in productions that deal with socio-political or social issues in various artistic forms. She also enjoys photography, whether with a mobile phone, digital camera or analogue.

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