TT 23 Recap – TT-Blog @ Cashmere Radio

On the 27th of May TT-Blog recorded live at Cashmere Radio’s station in Wedding. Stream our show on Soundcloud:

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Mehr Informationen
Theatertreffen Blog invites you to review an eventful Theatertreffen! After 15 days of theatre, performances and discussions, and at the point of recordning two more equally packed days in the offing, our editorial team sits down together, »highlights highlights«, but more importantly reflects on fundamental questions.

Thank you, Cashmere Radio!

Anna Reimnitz

Anna Reimnitz, geboren 1999, schloss ihr Studium in Kulturwissenschaften am Bodensee ab, bevor sie kurz darauf begann am Theatertreffen Blog mitzuarbeiten. In ihrer Arbeit sucht sie nach produktiven sowie unerwarteten Schnittstellen zwischen gesellschaftstheoretischer Reflexion und Formen des kulturellen Ausdrucks, im Medium der Schrift aber auch im Rahmen des Ausstellens.
Anna Reimnitz, born in 1999, completed her BA in cultural studies at Lake Constance before she began working as an assistant for the Theatertreffen Blog shortly afterwards. In her work, she searches for productive as well as unexpected interfaces between social theoretical reflection and forms of cultural expression, in the medium of writing but also in the context of exhibiting.

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