The jury of this year´s Stückemarkt has had its say, now it´s time for the winners to speak:

Happy Winners of the Stückemarkt 09: Nis-Momme Stockmann, Davide Carnevali and Oliver Kluck
„I don´t know either how this could have happened, but of course I have deserved to win the price. And I did not write in my play that it´s not going to win any prices but that it does not have to win any. Working together with Maxim-Gorki theatre will be fantastic and I´ve got lots of ideas already of what I´m going to do with all the dosh – new shoes for instance would be appropriate.“
Oliver Kluck, winner of the price for furthering young drama, ponders the question of whether he can still ring his parents at this late hour, because they will have to work the next day, and decides to send at least a short message to his mother.
„I´m especially happy about the fact, that I can work: The commission to write a play is not just a void price but it offers a perspective. I get in touch with theatres and am looking forward immensly to a proper co-operation. I´m not afraid of the pressure that such a binding commission brings along: that is part of an author´s everyday life.“
Nis-Momme Stockmann, winner of a commission by the Stückemarkt to write a play, is going to ring his publisher first of all now.
„I wouldn´t have thought, that my play is adaptable for radio. But on the other hand it plays with the recipient´s imagination. Being part of Stückemarkt was very inspiring for me – to finally get feed-back from competent people. Such an opportunity for young authors was new to me. In Italy, where I come from, there is nothing like it. No one there feels like investing in theatre.“
Davide Carnevali, winner of theatre-text as radio-play by Stückemarkt will perhaps call his friends in Barcelona later on.