Your Day at TT (17)

It’s not over just yet: we have one more action-packed day of Theatertreffen 2012 ahead of us before everything gets packed up.
12pm – Actress Nina Hoss will present the Alfred Kerr Actor’s Prize to her favourite performer of the Theatertreffen, place your bets now! We’ll be updating the blog with news of the winner at lunchtime.
1.30pm – The final discussion of the jury. Your last chance to voice your opinions on the festival face-to-face with the people who made the decisions. Follow the debate on our twitter account, #tt12 – you never know, it might get ugly.
4pm – A chance to watch Karin Henkel’s Macbeth on screen at the Public Viewing at Potsdamer Platz.
OR (both is definitely impossible, however diligent a TT fan you are):
4.30pm – The second performance of Alvis Hermanis’ production of Platonov by Chekhov, ending at a user-friendly 9.15pm.
9.35pm – The strangely precise timing only serves to adds mystery to what might already be the vaguest prize in German theatre, a 10,000€ award presented by TV channel 3sat to “one or more artists from participating ensembles for pioneering, artistically innovative achievement.”
If you can’t bare to sit in yet another darkened room, have a time-out in a really hot steamy room instead: The sauna in the TT garden is still in full swing today – nudity is optional.


Miriam Rose Sherwood, geboren 1989 in London, hat 2011 ihr Studium im Fach Germanistik an der Universität Cambridge abgeschlossen. Im Oktober dieses Jahres fängt ihr Master in Theaterwissenschaft am Birkbeck College London zusammen mit RADA (Royal Academy of Dramatic Art) an. Inzwischen versucht sie möglichst viel Erfahrung im Theaterbereich zu sammeln. Zur Zeit arbeitet sie als Assistentin am English Theatre Berlin und beim Internationalen Theaterinstitut in Kreuzberg. In ihrer Freizeit studiert sie Fotografie.

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